AIPF Panel

AIPF Panel
In May 2014 the Irish Photographic Federation held a Distinction sitting in Mullingar.I submitted 15 printed images in an effort to gain my AIPF (Associate of the Irish Photographic Federation).Thank fully on the day my submission passed. These are the images that went before the judges.......................
As Part of the Submission , a written statement is read out.It's purpose is to explain to the judges what the photographers aim was with his panel.
This is my Statement........

"I am a photographer who, like the Ancient Mariner of literary fame, has a desire for water, the sea and the open skies.
When I visit the seashore, I am fascinated by the water’s ebb and flow. I mostly aim to create images in low winter light which helps to enhance the shapes and textures and to avail of what I consider to be beautiful seascape opportunities. I also like to capture the many moods of cloudy skies with their rainbow of colours at dawn and dusk.
My aim in this panel is to capture the water’s path as it negotiates obstacles of rocks, pebbles and sandy inlets. I have deliberately chosen shutter speeds which slow the motion of the water, but still retains the silky textures which it creates.
I endeavour to show the varied swirls, lines and shapes which are created when the sea meets land on a changing coastline with its never ending tidal cycles. "

Below are the individual images